
What is it?

Forio is a platform for creating and sharing software products that enable simulations, data explorations, and predictive analytics.

How is it used?

Forio has three products:

  • Epicentre is the platform that is designed to create and share powerful web-based simulations.
  • Performer which provides measurable and cost-effective soft skill training through online role-playing
  • Ready to run simulations ready-made simulations that focus on business strategy leadership, and team building

They also offer custom simulation solutions in the following areas:

  • Higher Education Simulations
  • Corporate Training Simulations
  • Public Policy Simulations
  • Forecasting Applications
  • Data Visualization

Why use it?

Forio provides award winning simulations with real-time feedback that allow for experimentation and help learners translate what they know to what they do.

Who is using it at London Business School?

It is used by the Digital Learning team.

How can I access it?

Please contact Digital Learning.

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