A wiki is an editable collection of web pages designed to promote collaboration and information-sharing. Students contribute to a piece of content online to share knowledge and explore concepts.
- Active contribution and modification of content by individuals to reach a consensus
- Asynchronous contributions from anyone connected
- Ability to curate and challenge the validity of content in the published environment
- Contributions can be from both student and tutor
- Support of higher level thinking activities
Wikis provide students with ownership of the content. They can add, amend and share information as they wish. As a digital learning tool, wikis support analysis, synthesis and critical evaluation. When effectively integrated into teaching, wikis facilitate key elements of constructive learning such as problem-based and collaborative learning.
Be clear about the purpose of the wiki in your curriculum design. Decide whether it will be assessed and, if necessary, how it will be assessed. Consider your goal: Are you assessing the collaborative process or the final outcome that the collaboration produced?
- Think creatively around a topic, generate ideas and produce a proposal, recommendation or report
- Collaborate to create a definition of a theory or concept
- Collaborate to create a summary of a relevant theory
- Collaborate to create a glossary of terms
- Analyse a piece of text and evaluate its validity
- Outlining what the activity is and what students need to do to complete it
- Giving any introductory information needed: for example, a piece of writing to evaluate, headings for a report, a grid to complete
- Explaining how the wiki will be assessed and what students need to do and by when
As a tutor, you are able to work with students on the wiki. This may simply be a case of reading the content and providing feedback or you may wish to actively contribute with your students.
- Understand how students are contributing
- Direct students and provide feedback to support critical thinking
- Encourage deeper learning
- Moderate contributions to promote criticality
What wiki tools are available?
Canvas Pages
Canvas Pages support wiki functionality. Updating the settings on a Page enables students to amend and contribute to content.
Canvas Collaboration
Canvas integrates with Google Docs to support collaboration on a single document.