
Online quizzes offer flexibility to formative and summative assessment methods. Incorporating quizzes into teaching practices helps develop a student's understanding and ability to self-regulate their learning — which in turn has an effect on their self-efficacy.

In some cases, you may wish to develop a series of multiple-choice 'knowledge check' style quizzes. This allows students to gain an understanding of their current knowledge level and to determine gaps. In doing so, students are able to regulate their own learning and take necessary steps to further their understanding.

To ensure reliability and validity in assessment practices, consider the following three key areas:

  • Content — Is the assessment relevant to the prescribed curriculum?
  • Construct — Is the assessment aligned to the objectives of the course?
  • Predictive — Does the assessment correctly align to the progress of the student?

Consider quizzing tools as a container for your assessment. Do not be restricted by the functionality. Where appropriate, assess whether other practices or tools can be used in conjunction to offer an appropriate assessment. For example, if students carry out a practical activity in R, Matlab or Excel, the output of these tools can be entered into the online tool.